Friday, April 8, 2016

Minecraft Steve’s Diary

Minecraft Steve’s Diary
Funny Diary Based Around The Game Minecraft
Sad Creeper


Today started just like any other, sun was rising and skeletons burning. All just seems right with this world and mining sounds like a good plan.

I left my house and headed down the steep ladder I had carefully placed along my mountain. Hearing the waterfall I build with only using a mere 12 bucks of water, things just felt perfect.

What the?” I mumbled to myself.

From the corner of my eye I saw what looked like the green skin of the creeper hiding in the shadows in the forest below. However, when I reached the woods there was nothing.

Darn, I could have really used some gun powder.” I talked to myself as I walked deeper into the woods.

All in all I have to say Monday was a perfect mining day, found 3 diamonds and some red stone. Looking forward to tomorrow.


Well, I haven’t written in awhile because my good friend Alex had come to visit. She is the most adventurous girl I know.

She stayed with me the past few days and man did we have fun. We walked for miles across the endless desert and climbed the tall trees in the jungle. The past few days were awesome.

I did see the creeper again and even Alex thought it was strange. One minute its there and one minute gone, but not like a normal creeper no boom.

Boom”, I chuckled to myself.

Well, off to mine again.


Nothing strange really happened yesterday and mining was a bust. It seems no matter how deep I dug it just wasn’t enough.

Today I baked a cake, and decided to eat it outside while I enjoy my view. Carefully I placed the cake on my custom built table and took a big chunk right out of it.

There you are.” I said to myself as I seen the creeper coming to my front porch.

But, to my surprise as I walked closer he started to run backwards.

Hey!” I yelled for him to stop as I took my sword out.

Getting closer though I could see tears fill the creepers eyes and no sound. That loud long hissing sound didn’t even start. Slowly I lowered my sword to see what he would do. To my surprise nothing. The creeper just stood there now only a mere couple feet from me now.
Hello?” I tried to communicate with the creeper.

Never being this close to a creeper without ending up in a crater, I wasn’t sure if they could comprehend anything I was saying so I smiled at him. I thought maybe if he can’t understand words maybe he would see the kindness I was attempting to show him.

The creeper turned and walked away. I didn’t seem in the rest of the day.


Today started like any other, well almost.

AHHHHH!” I screamed as I fainted.

I woke to find that sad creeper standing at my door. After a brief heart attack all seemed good.

Not sure what was going on I opened my door to him. In came the creeper I have now decided to name Bob. Bob laid a stack of gunpowder at my feet.

It seems that this creeper has learned how to remove gunpowder safely from creepers. Maybe just maybe this could be the end of my house being blown across the map.

Bob and I decided to go find my friend Alex, she is never going to believe this. So today’s plans go scare the crap out of my buddy Alex and pray she doesn’t try to kill Bob.

Image result for creeper and steve