Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Game Town Of Salem and Tips On Playing It

A game about living in a town full of killers and saints who try to save everyone. Lets not forget the backstabbers though who turn on you right at the end.

YES, this game is 100% FREE to play from their website or only $4.99 if you want an extra 1300 points and the ability to get Steam Achievements. Although the game is basically free you can still pay to ad coins to your account to unlock characters, pets, scrolls, houses, and much more. You never have to pay a penny though, simply playing and winning rounds will unlock coins as well.

Alright, so now you have the game and you're ready to play. Start by making your character custom and picking a random name. NOTE: Your looks and name can effect what the town thinks of you. Examples: Hi, my name is Jack The Ripper do you trust me? Hi, I am holding a bloody knife do you trust me?

Some top roles you can be involve SK (Serial Killer), GF (The GodFather), BM (BlackMailer), Mayor, Jailer, Vampire, Werewolf, Witch, and many many more.

Things you need to remember:

  • Kill SK first if you're not one.
  • Never reveal you are the Mayor until you have to.
  • Learn to lie and be good at it.
  • If you get doused by the arsonist you're dead, so reveal what you can to help all those on your side fast.
  • A Werewolf can only kill during a full moon and be careful. If you attack someone you kill all who are at that location, sometimes this isn't good.
  • Vampires can turn all players so never miss a night and work fast. If you get turned into a vampire don't tell anyone continue to pretend to be the role you were at the start.
  • Once you die, you're not out and can still help your side get the win. Talk to the medium and give they all the details you can. Nobody but the medium can see what the dead has to say.
  • Stay till the end, win or lose you still get coins.
  • Be nice to everyone or they will report you and get your account blocked.
  • Mafia is fun and you can see who all mafia members are from the start, well that is if you are a member. If the GF dies someone will be promoted.
  • Scrolls are AWESOME! If you have a role you like to play get a scroll for that role add it to your character and increase your odds of getting to play that role.
  • Watch what you say a spy can always be watching.

Also the more you play the more offers you will get. After playing a few games pop ups will start offering you outstanding deals on Characters, Scrolls, and much more.

Blank Media Games did an outstanding job with this one. Visit their website to find out more on playing

Hashtag Fun:
#gaming #steam #TownOfSalem #FREE

The Rise Of Iron Destiny DLC vs Black Opps 3 DLC Salvation

Getting ready for the biggest DLC (Downloadable Content) month at the end of this 2016 year only one question comes into mind; Which one is better, the new Destiny or Black Opps 3 content.

September 6th for Black Opps 3 Salvation and September 20th for Destiny The Rise Of Iron. For the real gamer both these dates are significant. Most have the season pass for Black Opps 3 and pre-orders done on Destiny. (Note: pre-order on Destiny's Rise Of Iron DLC gets you exclusive weapons)

Bungie is also releasing the Destiny Collection for only  $59.99 and its on sale now, it comes with everything ever released for Destiny (yes including The Rise Of Iron) even a level 40 character boost.

Notes: The Rise Of Iron will be $29.99 and Salvation will be $14,99 if you don't have the season pass.

You get more with the massive 14 gig download The Rise Of Iron has to offer, but more in-depth story behind the zombies tales with Salvation. Finally getting answers to questions we have all wondered.

As Treyarch says it "The day of reckoning is here."

So what DLC are you looking forward to this September and why? Also here is hoping for some special downloadable codes, if we find any they will be posted here, so keep an eye out.